
The Science of Coconuts in Your Kindergarten Classroom

Explore coconut seeds with your Kindergarteners!  

Kids are innately interested in nature and the world around them.  Investigate coconuts and learn what they are all about!

We have been busy learning about all kinds of seeds.  Large seeds, small seeds, fruit seeds, vegetable seeds, and flower seeds. 

a coconut with the words Coconut Science

Today we spent the last part of the day exploring coconut seeds.  I brought in a coconut, some bottled coconut water, and lots of tools to crack the coconut open and to cut up the coconut meat.

a hammer and a knifebottle of coconut water

We began by passing around the coconut.  We touched it and shook it. Then we drew a picture of what the outside of the coconut looked like.

a kindergarteners drawing of a coconut

Then we predicted what the coconut would do when it was put in a container of water.  Would it sink or float?  Next, we headed outside to see what would happen.

a kindergartener placing a coconut in a container of water to see if it floats or sinks

a kindergarten student testing to see if a coconut will sink or float

a kindergarten student putting a coconut seed into a container of water

Yes, it floated!!!  We recorded the results.

kindergarteners drawing of a coconut floating in a container of water

Then I poked a hole in the coconut and drained out the coconut water. Since the water that I drained out of the coconut was full of bits of the coconut shell, we tasted the bottled coconut water instead.

a plastic cup full of coconut water

Then I hit and hit and hit the coconut with a hammer.  Finally, it cracked open.  Then we drew a picture of what the inside of the coconut looked like.

a coconut that has been cracked open showing the white coconut meat
a kindergarteners drawing of the inside of a coconut

Last we tasted a small piece of coconut meat!  Everyone really enjoyed exploring coconuts!

I just added the Coconut Science sheet to my freebies. 

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