Here is a little peek into my classroom this week!

We have had some HOT days here in Southern California this week. Here is what our weather chart looked like all week! We have been in the 80's for the whole week! HOT and SUNNY!
I'm hoping for a cool down! I mean it IS January!
Finally found a solution for my Bucket Filling wall. This wall changes temperature like the weather outside. I started the year using Stikki Clips, which I love. But they were not strong enough to hold the metal buckets. When the wall got too warm or too cold, the buckets started popping off and spilling pompoms all over the floor!
After trying a few other options, that did not work, I found out that I could use my staple gun on the wall. So I stapled some felt to the wall and attached the buckets to the felt with safety pins! Fingers crossed that this will last the rest of the year. My kiddos love to fill buckets!
I let my kiddos pick their table names. I give them some time to discuss choices with their table mates and they all have to agree! This is what they came up with this time around!
I try to create a story map with most of the stories that I read in class. This story map covers standard RL.K.3 - with prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
This is a story map from the latest book we read, Mole and the Baby Bird.
We made fun little hats today after learning about Martin Luther King, Jr.
While I'm not a fan of super hot wether, I would gladly take a little bit of your heat ~ we just had two days off of school because the windchills here in northwest Indiana were around -37! Today it got up to a more tolerable 7 degrees!